How to calculate your bonus entitlement and have two VA loans at the same time.
Mortgage Broker
Jason Turner Mortgage Broker
Published on August 16, 2021

How to calculate your bonus entitlement and have two VA loans at the same time.

Having two VA loans at the same time is pretty easy but not very well known about. The entitlement calculation when using the benefit for a second time is based on the county loan limit where you are purchasing. Many counties are different. For example, in Maryland the 2021 county loan limit in Frederick, Montgomery, Prince Georges, Calvert and Charles Counties is $822,375 but in the remaining counties it is $548,250. That means that the bonus entitlement is higher in the higher loan limit counties and provides more purchasing power as a result of this.

Here is the link to the VA website to find a specific county loan limit.

Purchasing above the entitlement calculation is also possible but a down payment is required to meet the 25% guarantee calculation.

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Jason Turner, NMLS 1148074, direct phone #410-474-7153,

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